Thursday, July 21, 2005

tatyana 1/3
lai meng 3/2
isabelle chong 2/1
joyce lee 3/10
michelle ee 2/8
shalom see 3/3
victoria chan 3/3

deadline for the submission of synopsis was TODAY, 21 july. and ive only received ONE synopsis.

please give it to beverley & veekay BY TOMORROW
cos we needa edit and prepare the script and stuff. and we cant keep chasing after you all because, danceamania is in about two weeks time. and by the way, this synopsis thing is COMPULSORY for all houses.

(choreographers PLEASE remind your team leaders!)

thank you.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

danceamania 05

the team leaders for danceamania 05 are as follows:

red house
lower sec -tatyna 1/3
upper sec - lai meng 3/2

blue house
lower sec - isabelle chong 2/1
upper sec - joyce lee 3/10

green house
lower sec - michelle ee 2/8
upper sec - shalom see 3/3

yellow house
lower sec - rachel yeo 1/4
upper sec - victoria chan 3/3

all team leaders, you and your team people have to do a short write up about your item, dance, whatever you want to say. basically a synopsis of your dance. and also, print or write out the name list of your team members and group name.

upper sec team leaders, pass both items to beverley, 4/8
lower sec team leaders, pass both items to veekay, 4/4

DEADLINE: 21 July 2004.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Green house:
-lilia & ratih
-bonnie & ruiwen

Red house:
-georgina & deborah
-jamie & sonia

Blue house:
-jothi & clare
-isabel & gretchen

Yellow house:
-khym & chloe
-farah R & farah tan