- CCA Orientation
- DanceWorks! Auditions
- Techniques Class Resuming
- Dance Ensemble 2009
- Dance Shirt & Jacket Designs
CCA Orientation:
Items that we would be showcasing are:
- Under Pressure
- Rhythm Nation ( Hip Hop )
- DanceWorks! SAGE
- Flashback- Krump
Date: 17 January 2009
Reporting Time: 7am
Venue: Needlework Room
Attire for the day: ANY Dance Ensemble black shirt & slacks
Things to bring: Makeup - Foundation & Eyeliner
The Orientation would end roughly about 12pm.
DanceWorks! Auditions
Congratulations to all dancers who have successfully gotten through the auditions, as for those who have not yet embarked on this journey, do continue to work even harder and commit to normal Techniques classes with Jenna.
Techniques Classes Resuming in Feb ( tentatively)
Techniques classes for ALL dancers who are not involved in either SYF or Danceworks are REQUIRED to attend every lesson. Classes would be conducted by Jenna ( choreographer of BAD ) , who would be enriching everyone with funky cool moves! SYF & Danceworks dancers are most welcomed too.
Dance Ensemble 2009
For dancers who have taken a break from us, and have not received much updates, kindly inform Jocelyn or Arielle to confirm your place with us this year.
Dance Shirt & Jacket 2009
This year, we would be having both the Dance Shirt & Jacket which is why ALL dancers would have to come up with designs for these two items.
Here are the things to keep in mind:
Theme Colour: Black & Blue ( any shades of blue will do! )
Size Requirement: A4 paper
Deadline: 20 January 2009
Kindly include your designs for both FRONT and BACK of the shirt & jacket,
your names and pass it to Estelle.
The Jacket is not fixed as compulsory but you are highly encouraged to purchase it for performance purposes'
That's all for now peeps!